Sunday, October 19, 2008


So yesterday we were Division 2 Rank 47th then we went to Divsion 3 Rank 80th and now we are Division 3 Rank 14th.

We can't drop that many places especially when we were so close to over taking Team A. I have noticed that in some of these games we are not playing our positions at all. Its not so much the defense but the wingers and center (me).

- If the wingers are out of position then everyone else becomes out of position. This frustrates me a whole lot and I am sure it frustrates all of you as well......

- When in defense the wingers need to stay up top and the center in the middle and the defense back towards the net. If someone is in that area already then move and find a new place. Teams have been passing the puck around us like its nothing. This can't happen if we wanna win. THe 1-timer works more often then not.

-On offense we are crowding to much in front of the net. We block alot of our shots. If someone is in front move to the boards or the slot. We also need to pass back to the point more. It sets up the offense and moves the defense outta positition. Other teams do it to us so why dont we do it back?

If anyone has any tips or ideas for helipng us on defense and offense please post them.


PensFanTrappedInOhio said...

I agree. I know this team wasn't supposed to be good, and it was all about having fun and not about ranking and all that. Well, I am having a lot more fun winning an occasional game than I am seeing the win/loss streak at -6. Everyone is guilty of being caught out of position sometimes... everyone. But there are some players that just fly around the ice and chase the puck. I realize you are trying to create turnovers, but at the same time you are leaving the man you are supposed to be covering wide open... and they are usually standing 3 feet to the side of the net waiting to bang in a one-timer like it was your girlfriend in cancun.
I know we always joke about the chart that we throw up there, but it obviously needs reviewed and taken to heart in the D zone.
On offense, the reason everyone crashes the net is to get possession that they normally wouldn't because no one passes the fucking puck. 9 times out of 10 we rush the zone, the puck carrier rips a shot from the top of the circle, the closest 3 people to it are on the other team and the play turns around. we need to have a bit of a strategy. play the same kind of zones that are broken down in the D chart, move the puck and wings get to the sides of the net for one timers... like mug said, they do it to us, why not do it to them?
But what the fuck do I know? I'm just the senior fucking citizen here. --Pens71

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bmont84 said...

I think its more of staying in position. I've seen alot of games lost due to being out of position.