Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ranking Rumors

From Team XBox [AAA]:

Some research done by syniper (duff) on the seemingly random ranking system:
Ranking Rumors:


you need about 4 wins for each loss to move up

on average wins = 20 points, on average losses = -70 points


The more people playing in a game has an effect on the points earned/loss


The grades of each player playing in a game has an effect on the points earned/loss


A shut out has an effect on the points earned/loss


"I have a theory. The computer player skill attributes are an average of of the human players. Perhaps the goalie attributes are averaged from our goalie skill points as well???

Do we all have our goalie skill points applied?"

So just in case this is right (which it very well could be since our computer players always suck) apply all your points including goalie points just in case.

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